About Me 關於我

何思穎 Szu Yin

Born in Taiwan, Taipei. Currently live in Taipei, Taiwan

     輔大音樂系畢業後赴美國波士頓音樂名校Berklee College of Music (伯克利音樂學院) 雙主修電影配樂Film Scoring和流行音樂寫作及製作Contemporary writing and Production,曾事師於Richard Davis(俠盜羅賓漢Robin Hood,終極尖兵The Last Boy Scout作曲家)、Bill Elliott(Disney阿拉丁作曲家)等好萊塢知名作曲家。期間多次於Berklee Piano Week 演出新銳作曲家的作品,2006年曾接受國際級鋼琴家Michel Camilo master class的指導。Los Angeles工作期間,曾為Song Writer "Roxanne Seeman"編曲寫詞 (張學友Private Corner, Sarah Brightman, Diane Schuur, The Jacksons寫詞人)同時擔任好萊塢電影配樂家George Shaw音樂助理。

       曾Sony Music Publishing簽約,成為旗下專屬詞曲作者,期間多首溫馨作品成為大愛電視劇的主題曲。創作曲風多變另有:以Big Band爵士曲風的『愛情開箱文』,收錄在黃小琥『如果能重來』專輯第三主打歌、以輕雷鬼風格的『愛的語助詞』收錄在商東茜『二個商東茜』專輯第一主打歌 。在電影『不倒翁的奇幻旅程』主題曲『快樂不倒翁』,以奇幻充滿想像力的編曲設計,並特別為女主角賴雅妍的角色量身打造,充滿活力的主旋律也相當受大眾歡迎。除了歌曲作品創作之外,亦有演唱作品(小貓巴克里片尾曲)。配樂作品也相當廣泛,包括電影、電視、廣告配樂、電玩 等等。電影『時代照相館』入圍金鐘獎,濃厚的懸疑的鬼魅氣氛帶入影片主題令人印象深刻。客家電影『我的樹媽媽』配樂中,參考客家山歌的樂段並結合西洋古典樂和聲, 寫出獨特融合曲風,為影片增添了亮點。 林心如主演的電影『我的媽媽』音樂風格多變且強烈,以拉丁音樂元素為主軸的黑色喜劇配樂風格,曲風奔放大膽,讓觀眾有很多出奇不意的驚喜感。 客家電視台『出境事務所』又再度使用了拉丁音樂元素,結合逗趣打擊樂器搭配手風琴呈現詼諧又點台味的風格、而古典吉他solo片段,使用最簡單的編制,單旋律線訴說人生的無天人永隔的傷,古典吉他與管弦樂搭配,象徵著人間溫情與繼續前進的勇氣與希望。


Szu Yin is an accomplished composer, songwriter, and arranger hailing from Taiwan. She holds a dual major in Film Scoring and Contemporary Writing & Production from Berklee College of Music. Following her graduation, Szu Yin moved to Los Angeles where she collaborated with lyricist Roxanne Seeman as a music arranger and co-writer.  

From 2008 to 2012, Szu Yin signed with Sony Music Publishing as a songwriter and went on to compose numerous songs for various artists, including theme songs for ”Daai TV dramas“ and films. Additionally, she has composed scores for numerous Taiwanese TV dramas, films, commercial music, and video games, some of which have become iconic, such as "Long Day's Journey into Light", "Mother Mother", "Prince of Lan Ling", and "The Fierce Wife".

Szu Yin's outstanding work in film scoring earned her a nomination for the 45th Golden Bell Best Sound Award for her score on the film "Time Lapses". With her exceptional talent and experience, Szu Yin continues to captivate audiences with her exceptional musical compositions.